Kelowna Tech & Flow 2 Days – BegIntermediate

Smith & Crawford trails - Kelowna

Check out new trails, learn tons of new skills and have so much fun in this 2 day BegIntermediate progression clinic in Kelowna! Tons of skill review and lots of trail practice over the 2 days while experiencing 2 completely different trail systems at Crawford and at Smith Creek. Are you struggling to feel confident […]

Whistler BegIntermediate Progression Series – April/May


Have you been through our beginner course and are looking for more tips and tricks to get to the next level? Are you stumped with how to ride some of technical features in Lost Lake? Are you stuck riding the same Lost Lake trails and want to see what else is out there? Join us […]

Whistler BegIntermediate Progression Series – May/June


Have you been through our beginner course and are looking for more tips and tricks to get to the next level? Or perhaps you have some experience but are stuck between beginner and intermediate. We can help! Let's get you more comfortable on the  technical features in some of the blue Lost Lake trails. We'll […]